Thursday, October 02, 2014

Charles is INCANDESCENT: The Bee Paintings

-------- Original message --------
From Charles Grimes <>
Date: 09/27/2014 04:08 (GMT+01:00)
To John Hurd <>
Subject The Bee Paintings stab 2

The Bee Paintings




I was just out

with the Bee paintings

in the studio

and I must say

I was intimidated to

say the least


these bee paintings

are so magnificent with color

and the transfer of light

and funny with the Bees

and the gorgeous flowers and

the expression and substance of paint

and the painterly illustrations of the brush

expanding onto the canvass

and yes sometimes I

struggle to believe

that I painted them and not left in my

studio by someone else


but then I remember walking home

in the dark all alone so many nights

and then I remember

cleaning all of the brushes

so many times this 

summer that yes I

do remember it was me

who painted the paintings



and it was me who was 

greatly influenced by Monet

and that was such a surprise

to me

and it was me who stared

at Cezanne's late water colors

and it was me who was dazzled

and it was me who was so amazed to see

that he was 50 years ahead

of everyone else and Picasso

knew that and Picasso called him

the father of us all

and I knew that too



but tonight I have to say

that some other part

of me and not the part of me that just walked

into the studio just now 

painted these Bee paintings

and kept me painting these paintings

for weeks and weeks and weekends

so many I can't remember for the 

life of me.


and I think about the different parts of

me and how I am always managing my time

between breathing and loving and eating

and working and how all the creative parts of me

wait painfully for me to return to them

and how my creative self competes

with my other selves for expression

and time for expression

and then I begin to see that that part of me

that leaps forward with no sense of how to

go forward and which

wants to make visual the ideas in my

head and the ideas in my heart and make them manifest

and yes that is the part of me that is clearly the  

part of me that Bees

and conversely it is obvious to me

that that is the part of me that painted the Bees.


Charles H. Grimes   2014

1 comment:

John said...

I bow to the master.