Friday, September 17, 2010

Dateline Milna: Stone Mason, 9/15/10

Julia's leaving has really thrown me a curve. When she was here, I was
content to play my uke, read sci fi, paint now and then, hike now and
then. Now that she's gone, damn if I don't feel like I have to do
something . . . like work, I mean . . . so I have started working on
raising my little flower bed wall 9" or so. The reasons are arcane, but
the stones are not. And as soon as I started I remembered putting down
the tile floor last year . . . my working methods, I mean . . .'hmmmm, I
should probably study this a while . . . a little pivo might help . . .
I don't think I have enough stones (hahaha) . . . maybe I do . . . oh,
well, the hardware store is out of cement right now so I probably
shouldn't start with the little that I have . . . and the sun is hitting
right on that spot I was going to work . . . I should probably have a
little pivo and wait . . . its kinda hot . . . back hurts . . .
should I really do this?' etc. etc. It took me three days (four,
really) to get started, and even though cement is still in short supply
I am slowly raising the wall . . . now I have Ivo's father, Pavle,
coming over to offer me support . . . which means that when I begin to
slow down he urges me on . . . shows me how I should be doing it . . .
or if I'm really dragging, he brings me a glass of that rakija (brandy)
that we made last year . . . that always gets me going again for a
sprint, at least . . .I figure that any competent villager could do the
job in two days, I will probably take about 10 or more or more . . . it
was easier when Julia was here clicking away on her keyboard and I was
reading Thucydides and playing Springsteen's "Thunder Road" on my
ukelele. . .


Anonymous said...

your working methods
are somewhat like mine
keep poking at the project
and then sooner or later
surprise you wake in the
morning and the job is done

you'll have to introduce me
to some of these liquid
libations you speak of


Anonymous said...

Thunder Road on the

Anonymous said...

Get your ass over here and the libations will flow . . . the brandy we made last year is incredibly smooth . . .oh, and, Thunder Road???????

"a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"

what, you thought Medieval English ballads or raccoon-coated ditties ffrom the 20's?????

Anonymous said...

Darn good thing you know those power chords!