Thursday, July 08, 2010

Lori Sez: 4th of July - Fir Island style

I was playing with the settings our camera and took some cool ones of fireworks! it was a bit colder than had hoped but that didn't affect blowing stuff up!!! At least it didn't rain................Everyone was busy watching Phoebe, our niece. She is the same age as Eason to the day. She LOVED the fireworks! The noise didnt faze her at all. She wanted to do it herself! She's gonna be a tough kid, I hope we can outrun her still next year! Hope all is well with everyone . . .

1 comment:

John said...

Nice photos. I was with Eliot, Kyra and Eason on the 4th at their home in West Seattle. We stood out in the street watching fireworks in the skies around Seattle. It's funny, but Eason loved them too! We weren't sure he would even notice them, but he was all big eyes and excited.