Sunday, March 11, 2012

Seattle First Annual Balkans Night

Julia and I went to Seattle last night for the first annual night of Balkans music at the Russian Center on Capitol Hill.  There were about 15 different bands.  In the main room, the bands were bigger tending towards Macedonia or Bulgarian music.  Huge folk dancing crowd there.  Lively music and all sorts of colorful costumes.  In the smaller "kafana,"  smaller groups, fewer instruments, lots of Croatian music there.   Sljivovica, wine, goat's cheese, olives, figs, bread, sausage. 

My favorite music was made between the main acts, on the dance floor, by a woman playing a large drum and a man playing a goatskin bagpipe-type instrument.  Loved it. 

And Julia got to practice some of her folk-dancing.

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