Saturday, January 02, 2010

Chaz says: "COLD"

today is on the cold side the high will be 15
we are adjusting but both melanie and i need
to find a store that sells warmer coats and hats
not too much snow now about an inch but the wind is
blowing it around in swirls

did you read the article about roman polanski
in the new yorker of 12/14/09
he made being a dirty old man so nasty

we have no tv yet so i have been listening to
the radio and i found a station from detroit
that plays classical music during the day and
jazz at night and it is really an education to follow along
with the announcers and begin to understand the culture
here in the detroit area

our stuff arrives in about a week and we have borrowed
three plastic lawn chairs until then to sit on
in fact i am sitting on one such chair right now
i can't wait to lounge on the couch when it arrives

I sit and lie on the floor in different places that i expect the
furniture to be placed in so i can tell if i like the angles
of their future positions in the living room and den

the room that will be melanie's office, unless she changes
her mind, has a nice view of a field and yesterday
we saw 12 deer racing across the snow

the sun is out this morning and all things nature and man 
made has ice crystals glistening brightly in the light
i am on my way to eat a chipolte omlet while melanie has
taken off with a friend to visit the farmer's market

diversions are welcome after all of the stress of this past year
did you know that todays date is the same backwards and frontwards
1/02/2010... i like the thought of this


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