Thursday, December 17, 2015

Lynne Writes

 . . . Tim had a lovely lunch with his old digital service team yesterday, they presented him with a large scrapbook chronicling his years with them.
It turned out to be so popular that he has a sign up sheet for people to see it, because the line was so long.

He is busy around here today, cleaning and sorting and getting ready for the end of the year.

Rainy here today, fairly mild, to cool down for a few days and then be warm again, quite unusual for this time of year.

Hope all are well there and that you are enjoying this time of year, the solstice is looming.

All our best to all of you.

My gel printing plate should be getting some use soon, I had a class I needed it for I am trying to catch up to.


1 comment:

dbrute said...

What a lovely Winter quilt!