Friday, December 25, 2015

In the Dark of the Night, A Dark, Dark Roast

So after talking to Shannon about Steve's hobby of roasting coffee, I decide to try it.  Julia wrangles some green Honduran beans out of a helpful clerk at the co-op.  I look for equipment.  But all I can find is an old Chinese wok to heat the beans in and a hobby heat gun for the heat source!  Nevertheless, in the dark in the rain Spencer and I give it a try.  After ten or fifteen minutes, Spencer wanders back inside to be warm and dry and not bored, comes back out again and stirs the beans.  I am still heating.  Ultimately I manage to get the beans through the first crack, then the second crack and onto a dark but uneven roast.  Hey!  it worked!  Sort of.  I am drinking the result this morning.


Anonymous said...

too funny!

dbrute said...

You know, I've been drinking that coffee the last few mornings and it tastes pretty darn good! I'm going to try again.