Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Charles Writes: Borges in Candy-Land!

    You know, when you first meet my neighbor Borges you wouldn't expect he would bee a bomb making kind of guy and he is a compact sort of guy and he gets around town on his own two feet and that's kind of cool but after a couple of weeks of watching him furiously walk around town and all around your neighborhood carrying multiple re-usable bags and these bags are always filled with recycling treasures and found trashy treasures and Borges really works at this collecting of his and sometimes you'll find him inside of our roll-on recycling dumpster as well.  And At first I was a bit worried about Borges when I first found himself inside the dumpster and I was worried because I knew what would make me crazy enough in this life to find myself inside of a dumpster and I was worried that these terrible things had happened to Borges and no it wasn't anything like that at all for Borges you know and he was perfectly happy to be up to his chest in the dumpster surrounded by paper and cardboard and some of my neighbors have told me they have also seen his back side showing up in the dumpsters behind some of the finest happening restaurants in town and his back was right out in the open for them and for everyone else as well to see and all my friends just laughed about this. 

And I was ok with Borges manic collecting until one day while I watched Borges . . .

Continue reading.  Click here.


JRH said...

Keep a distance from ol' Borges, just in case.

JRH said...

Frankly, I ain't landing my spaceship there. There are better spots to re-charge and I think Borges is just fooling himself.

JRH said...

And, we need to hear more about Candyland.