Sunday, May 31, 2015

Charles Writes: "Trouble in Candy-Land" Part Two

How Did That Happen

My Life Here in Candy-Land wasn't always like this.  I think there were a couple of days when the Woodcocks first moved into the Moon Stone Development that were filled with harmony and bliss but then we met the orthodox neighbors and subsequently found out they were a little different from us and at first I over-looked the oddness around me and even though I had read about co-housing and I knew a little about it I was not prepared for the in-depth reality of the cohousing arrangement but really I couldn't really begin to believe that my neighbors actually took this idea of co-housing very seriously and they have rules and regulations on how to talk to each other and protocol for behavior in their relationships and really who, on the out-side, would ever believe that co-housing is taken seriously by the co-housers and it did seem to me that these people were educated and all but I guess I never thought about what might have happened to their heads when they were done with the education part of their life and grew up and lived in the world and I guess they all figured out that life was a lot tougher than they thought and maybe we should band together with some other crazy people here and share our crazy skills with them and we can all build more crazy together and that is how the orthodox co-ho's all more or less landed here I believe, if I am not mistaken, but then again I could very well be mistaken.

And the Mrs. and I have made some great friends here at Moon Stone and there are friends here representing the solid cottage industries of knitting and spinning and wool dying and weaving and these friends have become very good friends for Mrs. Woodcock.  And we have friends who are Buddhists and Anarchists and teachers of college religion classes and teachers of high school students and sailors and a Reichian therapist who lives somewhere nearby and this therapist has a little old lady inside of him who is desperate to get out And these are the people who live on the edges of co-housing within the compound and I guess that's where I am going to live as well within this co-housing thing and we all get along pretty fine and we have had some great times and good food and good laughs and its wonderful to live so close to people you can kind of identify with in this crazy mixed-up place called Moonstone and in this place that is my place.  And like I said, "How did this happen?" 

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1 comment:

dbrute said...

You just had to build that trellis . . .