Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Chaz Dreams: LAST NIGHT

I dreamt last night that I was
alone with Walt Whitman on an
old wooden schooner out in the
long island sound Walt was
reciting out loud Oh Captain My Captain
and the boat was strangely becalmed in
the waters and I was 
staring intently at Whitman staring into
his eyes as he so plaintively made
the spirit of Abraham Lincoln come alive
to me and I cried as Lincoln's body appeared
before Walt and I appeared so I could really
understand the creases and lines on his
face caused by doing all that he could to
hold this country together in a time of chaos
The boat rocked in the waves and the ropes flapped
for lack of wind Life had gone out of the sails just
as the spirit of America had lost it's wind
when Lincoln was assassinated
As the heat of the day began to bear down 
upon us Whitman leaned over and whispered
"You know the Civil War never ended.  The
War was only suppressed until now."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good news.