Friday, March 05, 2010

In the world of fairy-tales by Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic

time: 12.4.2010. - 18.4.2010.
place: Slavonski Brod, Croatia
 In the world of fairy-tales by Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic is a festival completely devoted to 'the Slavic Tolkien' Ivana Brlic Mazuranic which is set to take place in her birth place of Slavonski Brod in Eastern Croatia. During the festival's days the town will be governed by children, and the mayor of Slavonski Brod handed them symbolically the town keys.

Ivana Brlic Mazuranic, a Croatian authoress who wrote some of the most beautiful children’s fairytales, spent a part of her life in Slavonski Brod. And every year the citizens of this town celebrate her birthday and enjoy the opportunity to abandon themselves to exuberant imagination. For a full week the entire town becomes the venue of children’s encounters and events such as literary, theatrical, art and photo workshops.

This children’s gathering begins with a play taking place at Ivana Square, right in front of the house where their famous citizen used to live. It ends with the returning of the town keys to the mayor and a formal production in the Ivana Brlić Mazuranic Primary School, a school known as the “colorful school” in Croatia due to the fact that it is painted with characters from Ivana’s fairytales on the inside and the outside.

For more detailed programme, please click

(article copied from )

(image taken from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the painting
by the way 7 or 8 postings in the last few days.. blazing fast change
love it