Thursday, February 04, 2010

Charlie continues the dream . . .

What a sight we made screaming up the mountanous high desert road just past the gas station.  I was intent on losing the sheriff who started tailing us after we passed him going 90.  Weaving in and out of traffic and gunning that little roadster's engine to its full tilt.  Sweat was running down my brow as the checkout girl started rubbing my forehead with a piece of ice.  She was sitting on my coat between the bucket seats.  I still didn't know her name but she was confident that I would find that out shortly.  She began to play with my ear and slightly knocked my sunglasses askew as johnny sat next to her in the passenger seat cleaning his glock pistol.  Johnny reached into the back seat and began taking an inventory of the ammuniton.  He knew we would need it once the sheriff caught up with us.  


Charles said...
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Johnny said...
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