Friday, September 25, 2009

F--- You, Dr. S.

F---- you, Dr. S.

How many times did you stick your finger up my bum?
pronouncing, h-m-m-m-m-, a little big, but seems ok.

And if that weren't enough,
you took this bionic snake,
this roto router,
and really stuck it to me.

ouch. that hurt. that really hurt.
(and we - you, me, the nurse -
watched it all on video.)

but now, you look at me with this false paternal look
that makes me want to puke,
over the top of your glasses
(do you wear glasses?)

and say
no alcohol, no tobacco, no caffeine.

OK, daddy. OK. OK.

On the Riva, I drink a beer, followed by some rakija,
then a coffee and a smoke,
(a Cubanito,)
just remembering,
just remembering.

May I die but still I say,

F---- you, Dr. S.
and all your kind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

best damn thing I have read in quite a spell
