Friday, January 29, 2016

Luminight in Mount Vernon

Eason raises his luminary high as we assemble for the march
Getting ready to march;  Julia's dove is to the left
Salmon and other great luminaries;  Julia's dove is to left.
Julia with her dove as we stop for hot cider and chocolate

Last night, Julia and Eason and I marched in the Luminary parade in Mount Vernon.  We walked along the waterfront with about 200 other luminary enthusiasts!  Julia had spent a couple of weeks off-and-on constructing her DOVE luminary, while Eason and I slipped in at the last minute with our decorated paper bag versions.  After we brought light to the winter darkness, we had a nice free hot chocolate and hot cider to warm up.


Uli Day said...

So glad we could see the pics, thanks for sharing them, how wonderful all could be a part of this festival.

Charles said...

What a great time.