Sunday, September 13, 2015

Charles Writes: Another Beatles story


And I know I said before that I am the Walrus was over my head and I would like to take the time now to retract that statement because lately I've taken to listening to that song by the Beatles over and over again and And I find that no the song was not over my head but rather the song went through my head and what I mean by that is that I'm pretty sure that I am the Walrus is more than a song and rather I have begun to understand that this song is a multi-media assault meant to open all of our minds up to an understanding of the collective unconscious right there in front of us and right there in front of the Beatles ever seeking minds there and especially in the right now mind of John Lennon there in 1968 and this song seductively brain washed my mind and scrambled my mind and it made me willing to accept almost anything in this life as true and I was drawn  right in from the beginning of the song with the weird opening music that is in some strange key and then the collective unconscious business starts in the first verse and I am me and you are me and we are all together and then I'm right there with the egg man and I get they are the egg men and I know that  I am the Walrus as well and woo kooch a khoo and I'm crying too and really just go ahead and stick it up your gumpa and the four minutes of this song actually mesmerized me as a kid and I listened so quietly to this song and this song really added a lot of data to my collective unconscious and I think I really was brain washed by the song so I could understand the fact that life is not what you always think it is and I was relieved to know that penguins could sing Hare Krishna and then turnaround and kick Edgar Allen Poe.
And I can safely say that my surreal studies of the strange life around me, where ever I go, had begun right there in my childhood bedroom on Dewberry street listening to the Magical Mystery Tour on my sister's old portable stereo and now almost 50 years later I am playing this song over and over again on my I Pad in Ann Arbor and I am reliving the data input and the subsequent brain washing of my mind again and it feels good and the song sounds even better than I remember it and I'm going to go out side now and look at the stars out in the dark of the night while I'm sitting on a cornflake, out there, in my back yard. 

-- Charles


dbrute said...

Kooch a koo

dbrute said...

Funny, memory. All these years I thought it was "Goo goo ba joo."