Thursday, January 15, 2015

Because I Bee

Charles's New Book "Because I Bee" is now available on Amazon! 
Critics say "Profound Fun!"  and "A Riot, Pure Genius with Gorgeous Bee Paintings too!"

Here it is.  (When you get to page, click the "Look Inside" image to the left.)

Charles's Prologue to "Because I Bee": My Response to Going Live on the Internet Wire

Oh man does this
Mean that I am now
Beeing scrutinized or
Euthanized or criticized
Or better yet marginalized by the cultured eye?

Or maybe this means beeing held over the
Hot coals by the powers that bee for beeing such a lousy
Speller and for beeing complicit
In so many run on sentences after continual
Run on sentence and finally before I was
Even a man I was sentencing my 10th 
Grade English teacher a certain Mr. Brandt I want to 
Remember who was forced into eternally pulling his hair out in class
And pronouncing to everyone all around the classroom as
He walked around in circles and circles and
Around the desks and around the chairs and
He was want to restlessly storm about the classroom on his
Own two clumsy feet and then teaching us in outbursts of his
Heartfelt and truly tested and sometimes frustratingly
Tested humanity and how he would say to all of those still awake
And maybe even awake and responsive
In that sun drenched little classroom at Omak High that
I Charlie Grimes was the King of the Run On Sentence
And Oh my god will this ever cease
And Oh My God if Mr. Grimes will please work harder
On his next assignment and then maybe even write an original Thought or
Two about all of these great stories of American Literature
That I continually bring to you on a regular basis
Week after continuing week like a drubbing that won't stop so that
If Mr. Grimes could just bee a little more responsible  
We can all then get back to
Everyone's favorite subject Moby Dick and some day you
Can all learn to remember that I told you all to call me Ishmael.



Anonymous said...

Entertaining, intriguing, insightful, a well-crafted prose poem that will long survive the poet!

Anonymous said...

Wow and like my friend john once said I hope that new life in the future life doesn't start too soon

the poet

Anonymous said...

hear, hear!