Monday, July 08, 2013

Charles Paints a Bee-Bull

I have created a new
Art Brand
The Bees
For Clothing
Shirts and
Purses and shoes
And sheets and
Towels and
Whatever else you
Can brand and brand
And market.and live the
HighLife and be Prosperous and live
Like Coco Chanel and just leave out the sleeping
With the Nazis part and now that I think of it
And really just think
And think and think
I'd rather be like the Picasso brand and just
Bee and Bee and Bee
Paint and sculpt masterpieces over and
Over and be and be and be and be a lasting forever brand and be and be and bee

(John: Wings?
Charles:  I thought about that and then I felt wings would be out of character on a bull.
John:  A bull doesn't have stripes.
Charles:  Yes but bees need stripes.)


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Anonymous said...
