Saturday, June 22, 2013

UPDATE: Lori Writes: Cougars!

 UPDATE:  We found a definite track! It rained lots and most were washed out but found one for sure.  Had a hunting buddy  look and it really is.   Great.   Several years ago one was over by county line rd and killed a horse.  hope he wandered on through otherwise we will be on the lookout and get rid of him.

COUGARS! we have cougars on the island! A few nights ago Reckless started going nuts about midnight. He never makes a peep so after a bit we figured we should go check it out. Of course we had no guns handy which was stupid! Went over and he had settled down some, was sitting on the steps to the house. We were looking around some and about to go home when a big commotion with the horses. Totally going nuts. They finally settled down so we went home. Figured it had to be a deer? Coyotes and stuff never bother them. Then yesterday a neighbor stopped by and there had been a confirmed sighting the previous night. Which was the night after our commotion. If it hadn't rained we might be able to find tracks! So we are watching stuff real close and if there are anymore sightings we will try to "tack care of it" ! I think it is probably just a young one wondering through. This is the time the older ones would be chasing the young guys out to find new territory. At least there are the free range chickens at the head of the island so he would like that better than hanging out down here I would think.

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