Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fwd: staircase 2

Lori writes: Well we got it in last night. . . It was a real mess and we have just been so stressed the last few days it probably wouldn't have been fun to be around! Eason would have gotten a heck of a new vocabulary last night too! I think I told you the mess with the metal? Well we got that fixed sort of. Then when it went to the painters someone mixed up the boxes so it got painted a purple hue and looked awful! So they had to re-sand blast it and re-paint it. So we were on hold. Then the "team" of guys that were supposed to help put it in bagged out and we were calling guys last night. The thing weighed 800Lbs! The frame was already up so we had to "thread the needle" getting it where it was supposed to sit on the loft. Crazy but it is done! Now we have to build the railing sometime, but not for a while until more is done. . .

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