Monday, November 05, 2012

My First Dream after Reading Some Jung

THe Dream

I was driving a black van northwards towards home.  THere were 3 men and 3 women in the van with me.  WE had just completed a series of dangerous tasks and I felt that I had played a major role in us all surviving.  I had "saved us."

I left the freeway and drove parallel to it through fields and trees towards some mountains and home.  I remembered that I had somehow and for some reason placed a major detour on the road ahead, diverting us around a city, I believe.  ANger broke out in my passengers when they realized that I was driving towards it, anticipating a traffic jam or some more significant issue.

FIne, I said, I'll just pull back onto the freeway. 

"YOu can't get on this way," one of the women said, "you need to go back."  THere was some arguing. 

FInally I pulled the van over in a wide dirt spot and got out.  I started walking north.  I was surprised when someone took the wheel and drove past me, also heading north.  THe van did not go far before it veered sharply to the right and drove -- as if nearly out of control -- across a small patch of grass and through some saplings and disappeared from my sight.

I didn't know if this was accidental, or what had happened.  I continued walking and then followed the path of the van. 

I found it half-submerged and sinking in a lake beside a grassy bank.  THe 3 women were on the grass and acted distraught.  "WHere are the men?" I asked.  ONe woman answered, "They are still inside and won't come out."

I managed to get the side door opened and pulled the men out.  AS I did so the van began to rise and float in the water.  WHen I thought that all was well I became aware of a great hairy bear trapped in the rear of the van and holding a pet  - a black dog - firmly between its legs.  "LEt me out," it said, "or I will kill the dog."  SOmehow I succeeded in tricking the bear and leaving it trapped in the van which was now on dry land while freeing the dog.

WE were all then at a reception celebrating our success.  I began to feel that I was not being properly recognized for my part and began to quarrel with one woman in particular who seemed to be the loudest, taking most of the credit, and minimizing my role.  IT seemed that people were taking her side.  I finally interrupted her and the group around her, apologized for the quarrel, and told them that I was tired and I was leaving.  "HEre are some books that I checked out from the library," I said, "Use them if you like but then perhaps someone can see that they are returned."  I held out several brightly designed books on Native Americana, I thin.

I went outside and sat on the grass in some sort of inflatable lawn thing, shaped like a donut or tire inner tube.

I  was very tired and I knew they were looking for me.  THere was a disturbance or some movement in the sky and I awoke.


Anonymous said...

I love it your'e starting to open up


Anonymous said...

some movement in the sky

great stuff