Sunday, August 26, 2012

Vruche 2

It is the worst drought in Croatia in 50 years.  SOme areas have not had rainfall in 15 - 18 months.

MY poor little smokva -- fig tree.  Half of its leaves are yellow and dying or dead.  INstead of a plump, juicy yellow-green, its fruit are small and a thick-skinned black from the sun.  I am watering it daily.

On the other hand, the small prickly pear cactus that someone has planted in my garden seems to be doing just fine.

I have found a couple of free wi-fi sites.  Unfortunately, the one with the best connection and fewest problems is located in Models --one of the open air bars with the worst and loudest music imaginable.  I will keep working on the connection down by the toursit office as a preferable alternative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry that the fig tree is struggling. I hope the daily watering will revitalize it. Let us know when you have the Wi-Fi connection thing figured out. It was great to see a blog post from you when I got up this morning!

Hope the temperature eases up a bit for you soon.

Tim and the gang