Sunday, December 04, 2011

Oh, "Merely" that . . . well, that's a relief . . .

PALENQUE, Mexico | Fri Dec 2, 2011 10:06am EST
(Reuters) - If you are worried the world will end next year based on the Mayan calendar, relax: the end of time is still far off. So say Mayan experts who want to dispel any belief that the ancient Mayans predicted a world apocalypse next year.
The Mayan calendar marks the end of a 5,126 year old cycle around December 12, 2012 which should bring the return of Bolon Yokte, a Mayan god associated with war and creation.
Author Jose Arguelles called the date "the ending of time as we know it" in a 1987 book that spawned an army of Mayan theorists, whose speculations on a cataclysmic end abound online. But specialists meeting at this ancient Mayan city in southern Mexico say it merely marks the termination of one period of creation and the beginning of another. . ."

(Ed:  Bold and italics are mine . . .)


Anonymous said...

Am I supposed
to be comfortable
with a new creation starting
how years before it is stable
i have only so much daylight
to devote to a new starting


Anonymous said...

I'll take that new starting
and multiply it a million times,
Yes please.
It's not up to you to break your back now.
We will take it from here, your generation's foundation is strong, you have given us tools, light, water, food, strength and love. It is up to us to take the torch and make the sun rise to our will. And it will be done.

Anonymous said...

and..."it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!!!".

Anonymous said...

well i guess i have been schooled


dbrute said...

"listen, there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go!"

Anonymous said...

no schooling intended, it's your schooling that has helped us see that the system has failed. Time for a new one, just in time to see the unsustainable, consuming corporate monster fall to its knees, crumble apart, amid the cheers and joyous dancing of the masses. What is to come? For a while probably worse than now, but at least it will be driven by hope rather than fear!!

Anonymous said...

yes the baby boom generation
sort of fell short
on fixing the world up

good luck to the next
group but for now
let's raise the cup to
the wisdom of the old saw
that the sun still comes up
no matter what the blow
to mankind and my only hope
is that he sun still comes up

your local commenator on cultural
