Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Barrel Racing in Granite Falls

Lori and Allie at Granite Falls

 Julia and I went to see Lori barrel race in Granite Falls last Sunday.  Lots and lots of people at a small arena and horse farm there.   It was a chilly day and Lori was just getting over the flu.   I'm not sure how many contestants there were but I know it was more than 50.  Lori placed 4th.  It was kinda funny . . . there were 13 riders before Lori rode.  They all did ok, but when Lori came out, wow. . .  she was in a totally different class.  There was no comparison between her and the riders before her.  Even I  - knowing nothing about riding and racing -could see that plainly.  They all had sorta muddled through, riding just fine, but Lori was precise, serious, professional, smooth and fast.  It was pretty amazing to watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a pleasant post. Thanks.

Tim and Lynne