Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chaz Sez: In the Night

In the night full of fright
My mother came to me 
And turned on my light 
She pulled back the curtain 
And revealed the swelling sea 
She then turned to me 
And said don't be so concerned 
With losing so many things 
You will win so many more 
Just don't lose yourself or the ring 
Of your heart or the depth of your core 
My father came to me 
In the night full of fright 
And knelt down beside me 
And even though he was 
No longer on this earth to be 
He swore he would watch over me 
My son oh my son 
Gather your courage for these 
Nights of fright will pass if you 
Have the strength to honor your friends 
and defend against the foes 
Adjour adjour adjour 
Allow my weary son 
Passage into the Sleep 
My mother from the swirling sea 
And my father from the darkest of 
Nights strechted their hands like trees 
Over my heart and stayed with love 
Through the night with frights 


JRH said...

I like that "adjour" but I have no idea what it means?

Anonymous said...

neither do I but it sounded good at the time


Anonymous said...

upon reflection if you say adjour three times it means stop and let the kid go to sleep
