Thursday, October 07, 2010

Julia's note: progress on barn and more

Lori and John have been busy! Lori can send photos once she has a chance.

(John has our camera.)

I dropped by both farms on Sunday and it was 'horse city' on McLean Road.
Horse people in and out, Lori training, feeding, etc. Lori found a couple
more treasures - a photo of gramps and an original card of Mimi's.

The Hurd/Wolden horse facilities are getting very close to being useable!
It's amazing how much they've accomplished in a short time. The barn
interior has five stalls, with a sixth, temporary stall coming. The paddock
area has three shelters, each holding two horses. There is a road running
along the property line between the Wolden's and Lori and John's place to
the paddocks. They have to finish the walls, gates, and fencing and
basically it will be ready, at least to get the horses over there and finish
later. They plan to put in a water system next year and some other things.
Maybe put a new roof on the other half of the huge barn in November. That
area will be for storage and the middle is for shavings (the area they
already put the new roof on is where the horses, tack room, etc. are). Also
sanded and refinished a cabinet that used to be in the kitchen on McLean Rd,
then went to the gun room, then the horse barn and now will be part of the
new tack room. They've laid a good foundation for the horses with sand and
gravel and shavings, etc. And eventually plan to make a little extra $ from
horse manure (as we know, they make full use of 'horse' trading, a little
entrepreneurship and recycling!).

It will be very nice once it's completed. And they'll be glad to have a more
normal schedule. As it is, John has about ten boats to build and they are
more-or-less on hold until the horses are there, which will make life less


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