Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dateline Milna: Wednesday

Really slow life here . . .seems like a couple of weeks since I've been
on the internet, I think, but I love what Charles has been writing . .
. drove around the island the last few days visiting old villages . .
.here's a shot of Julia by a little pomegranate in the deserted village
of Smrka . . .one of me hiking near there . . .a picture of one of the
island's self-taught sculptors in his studio (check it out) . . .and
me, when Almir was here and Julia was not, enjoying my gift hammock from
Eliot and Kyra . . . and a photo of our patio caper plant in bloom . . .
big score today, I went to the larger village of Supetar and got some
drawing pencils . . . and I got another bottle of the red wine that I
helped make last year . . .gotta go down to the market now and get some
veggies for dinner . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the photos and the compliment
