Sunday, December 13, 2009

Badlands Minotaur - 12/09/09


Anonymous said...

a true minoan


jrh said...

I'll bet parts of Michigan look even more post-apocalyptic than these badlands, or the Salton Sea.

Charles said...

actually all i've seen is prairie grasslands and lakes and hardwood forests. nothing dramatic like the west.
just a simple landscape... flat, very flat for a kid from the west coast

met a serbian construction worker/painter today who was all smiles until I mentioned to him that I had a
friend who lived in croatia.... the room became very
silent and he looked at me as if I had punched him. To lighten the mood I told him he was doing a good job and then he was smiling again but still wary of me.

JRH said...

I know that flatness!!!! Drives me crazy.