Friday, May 29, 2009

Kyra Reports on Eason

Eason is 12 weeks now! Holy cow time has flown! This last week was a huge week for Eason, he had his first real all-out laughing session while he was getting his bath! Eliot and I were both there to share in that amazing and beautiful magic moment! He has also become much more adept and proficient at putting things in his mouth and just started the
preliminaries to rolling onto his side.

And wouldn't you know, our prodigy son learned how to read at the tender age of three months, I suppose we wouldn't expect anything less! But seriously, the day I snapped the picture of him reading, we were laying on the bed, each time I finished a book and set it down he would start to fuss, and when I started a new book he would squeal in delight and kick his feet! He stared intently at the pages and had a running commentary! Then he held the books on his own and stared at the pictures with equal fascination. We read 7 books this way until it was time for nap!

We are having so much fun and I am somewhat dreading going back to work, but I know it will be an amazing time for Eliot and Eason to bond while I am away!

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