Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ermis Writes from Turkey

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It's cold here in Izmir now, it was about time for winter to show its
true face. But it's still very nice, clear and sunny, and I'd rather
spend all day outside with Senada, then stay at home and work.

Work is fine, although demanding. I can surely say that I learned
nothing at school (well, maybe just the basics of basics) that I can
put to full use in my work. :) I don't think I ever explained anything
- my job's title is systems administrator. The company I work for has hundreds of servers (database, video, web pages,
e-mail) that need to be constantly monitored and kept alive.

I work up to 12 hours a day. Although I work from home, it's not very
fun sitting at the computer for 5 straight hours. But I like what I
do, and I'm learning so much, so time passes by fairly quickly. My
boss expects me to participate as much as possible, since I need to
pick things up as fast as I can. Some of the guys that I work with,
who have been working together for over 5-6 years, stay online and
work for up to 15 hours. Don't want to ask about their social life. :)

Anyway, things are going pretty good. Me and my girlfriend Senada are
moving to a place of our own (still renting, but apartment should be
much nicer) right after New Year's. We're really looking forward to

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